
Showing posts from May, 2023

Motion Graphics & Compositing / Project 2

11/5/2023 - 26/5/2023 / Week 6 - Week 8  Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Motion Graphics & Compositing Project 2: Channel Bumper JUMPLINKS Lectures Instructions Feedbacks Reflections LECTURES Week 6: Kinetic Typography, Animation Techniques & Keying Overview INSTRUCTIONS Project 2: Channel Bumper For this project, we are tasked to create a channel bumper for any channel or brand of our choice.  Fig 1.0: Astro Prima Channel Bumper (18/5/2023) As seen, it is basically a very short intro or clip to remind you of the channel you're watching or introduce a brand.  Here are some brands that I am interested in:  1. Nike Fig 1.1: Nike Logo (17/5/2023) 2. Sanrio ...

Motion Graphics & Compositing / Week 6

Week 6 (11/5/2023) Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Motion Graphics & Compositing LECTURE Mr Fauzi told us to watch these tutorials regarding After Effects: This video taught me about Kinetic Typography and null objects. This video taught me about green screen and a how to remove it for a video in a clean way.  PRACTICAL Poster chosen: Composition #1 Fig 1.0: Composition #1 (11/5/2023) Animation Fig 1.1: Animated Composition (11/5/2023)

Sonic Design / Task 2

2/5/2023 - 16/5/2023 / Week 5 - Week 7 Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Sonic Design Task 2: Auditory Imaging JUMPLINKS Lectures Instructions Feedbacks Reflections LECTURES Week 6: use the stereo to create space and a sense of direction create multiple multitracks before putting them in the main to blend two audios, overlap it a bit and use fade in and fade out Add Stereo Bus Track (to group tracks) - change output of tracks u wanna group to bus (name of bus) - can add effects to bus track - can do automation in bus track too but not advice Volume For tv production -12 to -8 db maximum don’t exceed 0, be around -3 dB Hard Limiter use only input boost (don’t push this too much) and maximum amplitude make sure its the last thing you use Mastering taking our...