Sonic Design / Task 2

2/5/2023 - 16/5/2023 / Week 5 - Week 7
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Sonic Design
Task 2: Auditory Imaging



Week 6:
  • use the stereo to create space and a sense of direction
  • create multiple multitracks before putting them in the main
  • to blend two audios, overlap it a bit and use fade in and fade out

Add Stereo Bus Track (to group tracks)
- change output of tracks u wanna group to bus (name of bus)
- can add effects to bus track
- can do automation in bus track too but not advice


For tv production -12 to -8 db maximum
don’t exceed 0, be around -3 dB

Hard Limiter

  • use only input boost (don’t push this too much) and maximum amplitude
  • make sure its the last thing you use


  • taking our final mix and eliminating any problem

Special > Mastering

  • can add Reverb
  • can add Widener
  • adding Exciter (to make it more crispy) (will double up other frequencies) (2 much and its unnatural)
  • has EQ


Task 2:
Auditory Imaging

For this task, we have to create an audio image from any of the given scenario combinations. I chose Weather + Background. My idea was to create a scenario where the main character is sheltering themselves indoors from a thunderstorm. With that general idea, I wrote a more elaborate description, focusing on the descriptions of the sounds in the scenario. 

The reason why I chose this kind of story is because I have a core memory of myself as a child sheltering in an abandoned house. It was scary because it was dark and I was alone but it was also comforting to be indoors. 

Visual Research

Descriptive Story

    The rain was coming down in torrents, a heavy downpour that pounded against the roof and rattled the windows. Inside the old Victorian mansion, the storm had transformed the atmosphere, creating a moody, almost eerie ambiance. The electricity had gone out, and the only illumination was from the flickering candles scattered around the living room.

    Amidst the sound of the rain, there was a faint creaking, like the old house was alive and groaning in the storm. The sound was punctuated by the occasional clap of thunder, which made the entire room seem to shake.

    Suddenly, the entry door to the mansion swung open with a loud creak, the sound echoing through the entire house. A young girl, no more than 12 years old, stood at the threshold, drenched from head to toe. Her hair was damp and matted to her forehead, and her eyes were wide with fear. Seeking refuge from the thunderstorm, she hurried inside.

    Shivering, the girl looked around the room for a safe spot. Her gaze fell upon a partially open door nearby, revealing a glimpse of a grand library beyond. Intrigued by the soft glow emanating from within, she made her way toward it.

    The library was filled with shelves reaching to the ceiling, adorned with rows upon rows of books. The scent of aged paper and leather filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of wood polish. The gentle glow came from a crackling fireplace, casting a warm light that danced upon the walls.

    Feeling a sense of comfort and intrigue, the girl stepped into the library. She ran her fingers along the spines of the books, marveling at the vast collection before her. Selecting one, she settled into a plush armchair by the fireplace, the flames casting flickering shadows on the pages.

    As the storm continued outside, the girl lost herself in the captivating words, her fear dissipating with each turn of the page. The rain provided a soothing backdrop, its steady rhythm intertwining with the soft crackle of the fire.

    Hours passed, and the storm gradually began to ease. The rain transformed into a gentle drizzle, and the thunder receded into distant rumbles.

    In the morning, as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the library windows, the girl awoke from her slumber, still curled up in the armchair. The storm had passed, leaving behind a tranquil ambiance. She gathered her belongings, grateful for the refuge the mansion and its library had provided.

    Stepping out of the library, she carried with her the memories of the storm's sound and the sanctuary she found within the pages of the books. With a newfound resilience, she ventured out into the world, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that within the words of a book or the shelter of a library, she could always find solace.

- END -

I also created a timeline of this story so that I can sequence my audio clips.  It is more of a general idea, therefore, it does not have to follow it exactly. It helps me in pacing the story and actions.


Fig 1.0: Timeline (9/5/2023)

Moreover, I searched for images as a sort of inspiration and reference for the mood and types of sounds I want in my project. This process is just something I took from Exercise 4.

Reference Images

Fig 1.1: Reference Images (9/5/2023)

Idea Exploration


Effects Added

Rain Outdoors 

The rain outdoors sounds are layered with 3 audio clips with forest sounds. 

Fig 1.2: Rain outdoors + Forest sounds (16/5/2023)

Later, I also added automation to the first rain sound which was the main one, to make a good transition to the door closing and walking into the indoor rain sounds. Other than lowering the volume, I create a pan automation from right to left as if the character turns to open the door and close it. 

Fig 1.3: Main Rain sounds automation (16/5/2023)

Creaky Door

Since the creaky door audio clip was really loud and high pitched. I decided to lower the gain for the treble a bit to dampen some of that high-pitch creaking and focus more on the bass. The focus is to show how creepy yet massive the door is compared to the listener. 

Fig 1.4: Parametric EQ for Creaky Door (16/5/2023)

Fig 1.5: Reverb for Creaky Door (16/5/2023)

Rain Indoors

Using the same rain sounds as it were outside (stripped of the other sounds such as loud thunder), I create a more muffled version and added a bit of reverb. I used Surround Reverb.

Fig 1.6: Parametric EQ for Rain Indoors (16/5/2023)

Fire 1 & 2

Added automation to make it sound louder once the girl walks closer to it. I added pan automation which goes from the front to the left as the girl walks by it and then on the right once the girl sits on the couch. 

Fig 1.7: Fire Pan Automation (21/5/2023)

Floor Creaks

I changed the pitch and stretched the floor creak so I could get different sounds of floor creaks. 

Bird Sounds & Forests

I had two versions of these audios which were outdoor and indoor. For indoor, I just made it more muffled. This is for the transition where the girl leaves the house in the morning and the audio ends. 

Fig 1.8: Birds Chirping & Forest Sound Transition (21/5/2023)

Window Rain Patter

I put this on the left side to create more space and illustrate the interior design of the place. 

Sound Sources

The source for all the sounds used in this project:

Fig 1.9: Sound Sources (21/5/2023)

Draft #1 

Only up to 1 minute 11 seconds. 

Fig 2.0: Multitrack for Draft #1 (16/5/2023)

Fig 2.1: Draft #1 mp3 (16/5/2023)

Based on the feedback, I need to work on adding puddle noises and more indoor sounds such as rain pattering on the window, and more actions. 


Fig 2.2: Final MP3 (21/5/2023)


Week 7

General Feedback: To get good marks, make sure to have ambient noises, name your files and tracks, have automation to create direction and space, always fade out your audio clips and have no clipping!

Specific Feedback: You could try adding puddle splashes at the beginning to make it sound more realistic and break the monotonous sound of running. I also like the sound of the rain indoors. 


For this task/project, I had some difficult and fun times. I love creating stories and the story I wrote was quite personal to me so being able to work on the soundscape of it was not only nostalgic but an honor. It gave me the motivation to work on this as best as I can. However, that led to some difficulties such as wanting to add more texture and clips to make it sound more realistic and hyperfocusing on the details. I may have spent longer than I wanted on this project, but I am glad the way it turned out. I observed that once I got into the groove of audio editing and shaping, it was not too hard to create the desired sound I wanted. The pacing and timing of the clips were something I struggled too. As a person interested in motion graphics, most of my work is very fast-paced, so here, I had to slow down and clearly visualize how the situation would be in real life. How long would an action take and how close would that sound be. How far would that sound be as well? Taking all of these into consideration really made me grow more as an audio editor. It is definitely a path I would consider going into in my career but for now, I am enjoying learning about the processes and the requirements of a good edited audio. 


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