Design Principles / Project 2
12/10/2021 - 26/10/2021 / Week 8 - Week 10
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Design Principles
Project 2: Sense of Place
This is a recent inspiration for me since I started watching videos of people creating concept art for animation landscapes. I really like how they use the digital brushes to create the look of a traditional painting. It also has a good play of light.
I made three sketches of three different ideas. The first one was my kolej dorm where I celebrated my birthday with my friends. Second one was at a beach in Bali where I was together with my friends and had a fun time just being together during the sunset. Third one is my room with petals flying in to show how I feel peaceful and relaxed when I'm alone in my room.
Based on the feedback from Week 10, I changed a couple of things such as the perspective and add more lighting. I also tried to add more warm tones in the design.
Specific Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: Ms Jinchi says that she can see that I have a
couple of memorable events / feelings related to a place. She also sees that
I am exploring close-ups of the birthday cake and that it is interesting
because I can experiment with abstraction and use design principles to
express the special memory of the birthday celebration.
Specific Feedback: Bring out the joyous feeling. Make a bigger
cake, put a candle, stack the plates and use warmer colors. You can make
the background dimmer, the additional graphics are distracting.
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Design Principles
Project 2: Sense of Place
Week 8:
Sense of Place
A designer's job is to solve problems with effective visual
Observation: active act of acquiring information through
The Importance of Observation
- attentive to your surroundings and its details
- to be analytical
8 Steps to Improve your Power of Observation
1. Know your subject
2. Slow down and look outside
3. Try something new
4. Improve concentration and remove distractions
5. Challenge yourself to a mental workout
6. Test with playing memory games
7. Record and consider your observations
8. Stay inquisitive
Sense of Place
- place you are in now, place you had spent some time previously, place
that had created lasting memory in you
- how do you express your sense of that place?
- document your observations - photograph, diary, talking to relevant
- make a mind map!
Project 2: Sense of Place
Visual Research
Pinterest Board
This design by irem aysu is one of my inspiration for many reasons. One of
them is limited color palette with using turquoise as the emphasis
Fig 1.3: Inspiration #2 by Lisk Feng (17/10/2021) |
This became my inspiration because of the feeling this design gives to
its viewer. It makes them feel warm, joyful and hopeful just from the
colors and the posture of the human figures.
For this inspiration, I like the meaning behind this illustration. It could
be interpreted in many ways. It could be about being a source of
someone else's work, being connected or it shows how time passes and that we
change. I want to have a certain meaning to my design as well so that the
viewer can interpret it themselves.
Fig 1.5: Inspiration #4 by Sergio Chaves (25/10/2021) |
This is a recent inspiration for me since I started watching videos of people creating concept art for animation landscapes. I really like how they use the digital brushes to create the look of a traditional painting. It also has a good play of light.
Idea Exploration
Mind Map
Fig 1.7: Sketches (25/10/2021) |
I made three sketches of three different ideas. The first one was my kolej dorm where I celebrated my birthday with my friends. Second one was at a beach in Bali where I was together with my friends and had a fun time just being together during the sunset. Third one is my room with petals flying in to show how I feel peaceful and relaxed when I'm alone in my room.
Based on my week 9 feedback from Ms Jinchi, I decided to try the kolej room
idea because it is also an idea I thought a lot of and it is a place that
means a lot to me.
Fig 1.9: Draft #1 (25/10/2021) |
I used mainly blues but I feel as though I should use more of warm colors
to show the feeling I wanted to convey which was the warmness of
celebrating your birthday with your friends when you're miles away from
home. I did use warm colors on the cake to show that but it does not feel
enough. It does however emphasize the cake in the composition. I put
plates to symbolize celebrating with a group of people rather than putting
human figures.
Color References
The two window images are actually photographs I took in the kolej room
so I decided to use them as color inspiration as well.
Fig 2.1: Draft #2 (28/10/2021) |
Fig 2.2: Draft #3 (28/10/2021) |
Fig 2.3: Draft #4 (28/10/2021) |
Based on the feedback from Week 10, I changed a couple of things such as the perspective and add more lighting. I also tried to add more warm tones in the design.
Fig 2.5: Project 2 Final in PDF (29/10/2021)
For this project, when I thought of a place it reminded of a place that
holds a lot of beautiful memories - it was my kolej dorm in 2019. I shared
it with my close friend at the time and it made my 2019 a much more
enjoyable year despite the stress of the SPM exam. A memory I cherished
the most and want to base the design off is the celebration of my friend
and I's birthday. We have close birthdays mine on 16th September and hers
on 18th September. We shared a cake that day and all our friends came to
celebrate in our dorm since it was the biggest room out of all of our
friends' rooms (although it was still quite small).
In the design, I wanted to share that joyous feeling of being with friends
and having them around to celebrate you! It comes of as a little nostalgic
with warm colors to display the warm feelings and wholesome moment of the
scene. The art style is more of messy brushes with only slight rendering to symbolize me trying to remember this memory despite it still being fuzzy and only the feelings are able to be remembered. With that, the sense of place that I am trying to portray from this design is the visual of the cake and its candle glowing in the small room at night, giving the viewer the feeling of safety and warmness.
The design principles that exist in this design is emphasis and harmony.
Week 8
General Feedback: -
Week 9
General Feedback: -
Week 10
General Feedback: Play with perspectives to tell a
Despite only having one consultation class, Ms Jinchi was very
accomdating and set up a day where we could message her on week 9 for our
work in progress. I really enjoyed the ideation and visual research part
of this project, I love seeing other artists work of how they illustrate
and design spaces. However, there were some parts that I struggled a lot
with and I got frustrated because it was a problem I had faced back in
Exercise 3 for Harmony. Overall, it was a learning experience that
hopefully I'll get better at overcoming them in my future projects!
I observed that my strength is that I was able to see when I am stuck and
take a break. Back then, I would keep pushing on and my design gets worse
and worse. When I took that break and did other activities, I was able to
think clearly about what I can fix and what I should keep.
Another thing was my weakness was that I did not properly learn from my
past problems and found myself struggling with it again. It was the
problem where I could not get color right or express my feelings with
color properly. The initial mistake was that I had immediately start
drafting with color. Nevertheless, I think it is okay to struggling with
the same problems we did before because it means that you'll get better
and faster at overcoming them.
For my findings, I learned about new techniques on how animators draft
landscapes and how the start with base colors first before going into the
tiny details. It was a cool thing to learn especially since I am interested
in doing stuff related to animation.
Other than that, I learned about abstraction and how to display a sense of
feeling of a certain place.
Lastly is to take a break where break is needed. A good break can help make
a great design!
The links and video here are provided by Ms Jinchi on Times.
Being More Observant is a Skill You Can Learn; This is How You Do It
Slow down.
- going on little walks
- swap your mode of transport to something slower so you have more time to
Take in you surroundings.
- doing something mundane, pay attention and look out for changes
- keep a notebook to remember and write down what you notice
Analyze situations.
- look at simple things like how much input each person gives
- focus on an individual and work out the reason behind what they said or
how they said it
Take notice of people.
- look every time you pass someone
- quickly glance at what they are wearing
- what does their facial expression say about their mood
- notice changes in your peers which you can then compliment them on
Train your brain.
- coach your brain
Being observant is a useful skill. Allow you to see snippets of how the
future might unfold and boost your creativity exponentially.
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