Digital Photography and Imaging / Week 9

Week 9 (18/10/2021 - 22/10/2021)
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Group A


Digital Surrealism

Realism vs Surrealism


- 'reality'
- takes subject matter of the ordinary
- imitating of the real thing

Fig 1.0: Realism (24/10/2021)


- explores subconscious
- aims to distort the ordinary and what we call reality 
- dream-like
- a twist on realism
- defies logic
- cultural movement focused on type of arts to express about the artist's idea themselves

Fig 1.1: Surrealism (24/10/2021)

An anti war art movement with art works that is satirical and nonsensical in nature.

Capturing your Dream

1. Sketch it Out
- piece of paper and pen/pencil or tablet and start to sketch 
- draw your vision out roughly

2. Find Reference Images
- gather images that directly relate to what you have in mind

Mindset During Creation

1. "Does this look real?"
- is at its best when it's convincing enough that it could be real
- however we obviously know that the subject matter is nonexistent

2. Make it happen to the best of your ability
- learn the skill you may need for next time to make it work
- don't be afraid and back off from your idea


How to create loop animation for IG stories

Fig 1.2: Tutorial Video (18/10/2021)

In this Tutorial video, it showed us how we can utilize After Effects to make animated posters for IG Stories. Mr Fauzi explained in depth the thinking process he had while creating the animated poster. It was very insightful.


Project 2B: Poster Design


Fig 1.3: Photography #1 (18/10/2021)

Fig 1.4: Photography #1 (18/10/2021)

Took these photographs by myself using a tripod. 


Fig 1.5: Progress #1 (18/10/2021)

Fig 1.6: Progress #2 (18/10/2021)

Fig 1.7: Progress #3 (18/10/2021)

Fig 1.8: Progress #4 (18/10/2021)

Fig 1.9: Progress #5 (18/10/2021)

Mr Fauzi gave good feedback on the typography part of the poster which I was struggling a lot at. 


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