Digital Photography and Imaging / Week 11

Week 11 (1/11/2021 - 5/11/2021)
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Group A


Digital Photography

Exposure Setting
Exposure: In photography, exposure is the amount of light which reaches your camera sensor or film.

Fig 1.0: Exposure (7/11/2021)

Main parts of the camera
1. Camera body:
- Shutter
- Image sensor
- LCD screen
2. Camera lens
- Aperture / Iris

Camera body is a light proof box. 

3. ISO

- only two camera settings that affect the actual "luminous exposure" of an image: shutter speed and aperture 
- third setting, camera ISO, affects the brightness of your photos

Fig 1.1: Exposure Triangle (8/11/2021)

- control the flow of light entering the lens
- measured by f-stop, indicated by sequence of f-number
- the lower the number, the larger the lens opening (more light that comes in)

- shutter is a small plastic sheet that opens and closes to allow light onto the film or prevent light from reaching the film 
- shutter speed is measured in seconds

Fig 1.2: Shutter Speed effect on Photographs (8/11/2021)

- originally referred to the sensitivity of film - light gathering ability
- refers to sensitivity - the signal gain - of the camera's sensor
- common ISO settings are 100, 200, 400, 640, 800, 1600, 3200
- the lower the number of ISO the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain

Fig 1.3: ISO effect on Photography (8/11/2021)

Lens Perspective
- wide angle lens, standard lens and tele lens
- different lenses are designed for different purposes
- can be categorized by focal length

Fig 1.4: Types of Camera Lenses (8/11/2021)

Focal Length: The shorter the focal length, the wider the angle of view and vice-versa.

- measurement (in mm) from the optical center of a camera lens to the camera sensor

Depth of Field
- the proportion of the image that is reasonable sharp in focus
- the smaller the aperture you use, the greater the depth of field

Wide angle lenses
- for fitting a large area into your frame
- especially useful for landscape photography or street photography
- almost everything is in focus

Standard lens
- fairly accurate representation of what the human eye sees both in terms of visual angle and perspective
- perceived as more natural

Tele lenses
- great at isolating a subject that is far away
- allow you to photograph subjects from a distance thanks to their magnification

Fig 1.5: Camera Lenses (8/11/2021)


Briefing on Project 4: Self - Titled.
Mr Fauzi talked about the process of the project and what we need to have ready before next class. 


I went to the campus to have an offline class on photography.
We learned a lot and took some photos according to references. 

Photos of Me:

Fig 1.6: Photo #1 (8/11/2021)

Fig 1.6: Photo #2 (8/11/2021)

Fig 1.7: Photo #3 (8/11/2021)

Fig 1.8: Photo #4 (8/11/2021)

Photos my group and I took:

Model: Samar Ammar

Fig 1.9: Photo #5 (8/11/2021)

Fig 2.0: Photo #6 (8/11/2021)

Fig 2.1: Photo #7 (8/11/2021)


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