Illustration and Visual Narrative / Task 4

12/11/2021 - 3/12/2021 / Week 11 - Week 14 
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Illustration and Visual Narrative
Task 4: Final Project


Week 11: Consultation

Week 12: Consultation

Week 13: Consultation


Task 4: Final Project

We were tasked to make a motion comic video from our webtoon in Task 4.

Visual Research

I was inspired by an example Ms Anis gave from a senior's works as well as a music video by the living tombstone which used Adobe After Effects to move the characters.

Fig: A Fishy Dream (5/12/2021)

Fig: The Living Tombstone (5/12/2021)

Idea Exploration

Screenshots of my process: 

Fig: Screenshot of Adobe Illustrator (5/12/2021)

Fig: Screenshot of Adobe Premier Pro (5/12/2021)


Link to Task 3 - Webtoon Comic (if you missed it) 

Fig: Final Motion Comic Video (5/12/2021)


In this Motion Comic, I animate my web comic titled 'Daughter'. I attempt to make the story much more scary through animation, sound effects and music. Through this, I hope people can experience the story better. 


I always loved video editing so this was a fun and learning experience since I learned new techniques and a new program! The animation part of the subject was definitely a new thing for me and I learned many from not only Ms Jennifer's tutorials but also from my own research so I could make movements that I wanted. I learned about puppeting, parenting and different tools in After Effects. However, I still have more to learn!

I observed that when I have a goal or vision of how something should look like, I want to achieve it and will do anything for it. Wanting to do certain movements in this Motion Comic project had led me to watch After Effects tutorials. 

Other than that, I found that I should no underestimate or undermine how long the animation process would take because for me, it took about 5 days to finish everything before I could start video editing. It was a gruesome yet fulfilling process. 

I previously mentioned in Task 3 that I should create a timeline for projects like these that each part of the process needs to have an estimation of time so that I can make sure every part is taken care of. 

I also learned that as much as taking others feedback into account is important, you should also trust your own judgement and skill. As much as you want to satisfy your audience, it is equally important that you are proud of what you've done and be able to say that your work is good. :>

As this is the last blog entry for this module, I would like to thank Ms Jennifer and Ms Anis for all the knowledge given as well as the helpful feedbacks. This module definitely became one of my favorites this semester not only from the projects we had to do but also the people involved in it. Thank you!


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