Information Design / Project 1

20/1/2022 - 3/2/2022 / Week 3 - Week 5
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Information Design
Project 1 


Week 3:


We worked on Project 1. 

Week 4:


We conducted our third FLIP Classroom regarding Miller's Law (Chunking) and worked more on Project 1.

Week 5:


We conducted our FLIP 4 Classroom regarding Manuel Lima's 9 Directives Manifesto and continued working on Project 1. 


Project 1

Instructable Infographics Poster

Visual Research

In this project, we choose one of Pasta Grannies videos to make an instructable infographic poster on the recipes shown. The one I chose was a video about Helena's easy-to-make apple strudel.

Fig 1.0: Pasta Grannies enjoy Helena's easy-to-make apple strudel video (30/1/2022)


Fig 1.1: Moodboard (3/2/2022)

Idea Exploration

Rough Sketches

Fig 1.2: Rough Sketch #1 (18/2/2022)

Fig 1.3: Rough Sketch #2 (18/2/2022)

Sketches I would roughly make to better visualize what I wanted it to look like.


Layout 1

Fig 1.4: Layout 1 Sketch (3/2/2022)

More of a causal list type of infographic. It is more to a timeline and list infographic since it tells you the steps in order of reading it which is top to bottom.

Layout 2

Fig 1.5: Layout 2 Sketch (3/2/2022)

In this Layout, I try to organize the information from ingredients to the steps. I quite enjoy this layout more. Although for both of these layouts, I need to figure out the animation for Project 2 before I choose between the two. 

Layout 3

Fig 1.6: Layout 3 Sketch (17/2/2022)

I made a third layout based on my feedback from Ms Anis regarding having too many texts in my previous layouts. With that, I changed the items in the ingredient list into graphic illustrations of each ingredient and added more visuals to the process of making Helena's apple strudel. 


After getting my final sketch approved by Ms Anis, I moved forward with drafting the poster.

Fig 1.7: Draft (17/2/2022)


Fig 1.8: Final Project 1 Instructable Poster (18/2/2022)


In this final outcome, I portray the steps of Helena's recipe for apple strudels in a way that is easily digestible to the reader/viewer. I broke down the steps into 6 steps and added visual illustrations on what each step should look like to someone that is attempting this recipe themselves. I also added a visual of how the final outcome of the apple strudel so that it can catch viewers eyes and encourage them to try out the recipe themselves. 

Inspired by the Pasta Grannies video, I integrated the gingham and embroidery aesthetic into the instructable poster. They are two motifs that can be seen in Helena's outfit which I found to be a fitting aesthetic. 

The design principles that exist in this poster is emphasis and balance. I used Miller's Law (Chunking) in grouping the list of ingredients together as well as numbering the steps.


Week 3

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: -

Week 4

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: -

Week 5

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: It is going to be tricky to animate just text. Try to imagine the process in animated form and make sure it is interesting. The third layout works better. 


Project 1 was a very interesting project to do since we had so many references and inspirations to go from. The information was also handed to us. The experience was new and insightful. Classes were productive and I was able to ask for Ms Anis' feedback when I need it. 

I observed that I struggled a lot in this project, in terms of time management and figuring out how to best portray the information. I also observed that I have a certain style that I tend to gravitate to which is a doodle-y type of style with fun text. However, this style can be a little too much. 

I learned that it is okay to rely on references to help give you ideas if you are stuck. It is good to look at examples of good infographics to understand how designers organize information as well as integrate design ideas and aesthetics cohesively. 

Other than that, I found out that as a designer, you should take the design process step-by-step. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with the many ideas you have but you can always do them one by one, and try out different variations to see which you like best. 


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