3/1/2022 - 14/2/2022 / Week 1 - Week 7 Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Information Design Final Project Group 1
Week 1:
Mr Martin explained more in depth about the Final Project. We formed
groups. I am in Group 1 with Jodiann, Shofwa, Wantian, Tay and Reagan. We
had to look our for sensitive parts of the script to highlight and take note
of as well as start creating ideas on how to visualize them to a general
Mr Martin gave us the task of creating a mood board and three style
Mr Martin gave us a lecture about the difference between Animations and
Motion Graphics. He also taught us about Kinetic Typography. During
Practical class, we learned about the Animate feature on text in After
We continued learning on how to create Kinetic Typography. Mr Martin used
the song So What - P!nk for our practical exercise. We were taught in depth
about the null layer.
Week 3:
Mr Martin taught us how to create Motion Graphics for charts such as
pie, donut, bar and line charts. We also showcased how Kinetic
Typography MVs in class.
We showed our progress on the illustrations as well some animated
parts made in After Effects and Adobe Illustrator.
Week 7:
Consultation with Mr Martin.
Final Project: Animated Infographics
Sex Education 101
We were tasked to research and condense the given script about Sex
Education 101 and develop a suitable visual narrative to deliver an
awareness motion graphic video.
Week 1
Visual Research
For starters, we looked at sensitive parts of the topics and tried to
visualize them where its still displays the message, maintains being kid
friendly as well as true to the script. Other than we also kept in mind, the
color scheme, font, illustration style, animation and transition
Group Task
Mood Board
Fig 1.0: Mood Board (11/1/2022)
Three Style Frames (of challenging parts)
Fig 1.1: 3 Style Frames (11/1/2022)
Mr Martin tasked us to make a mood board and three style frames of
challenging parts of the script. It helped us better visualize how the final
outcome is going to look like.
Since many parts in our script require visuals such as body parts I feel
that learning this would help when wanting to shift from an object to
Useful for animating characters for our informational video.
Week 2
We were tasked to do our own Lyric video either using the So What - P!nk
song or any song we wanted. We decided to do Pacman by EaJ. Since he also
told us to practice using AE to animate text, I attempted to do some of my
lines for the lyric video.
Fig 1.2: Pacman by Eaj Kinetic Typography Practice (13/1/2022)
Kinetic Typography Exercise of the song So What - P!nk.
Fig 1.3: So What by P!nk Kinetic Typography Practice (13/1/2022)
This was created with the help of Mr Martin's guidance so compared to
the one I did of Pacman of EaJ, it is more polished and the existence of
null object had created a new look to my Kinetic Typography.
Week 3
Motion Graphics Chart
Fig 1.4: Motion Graphics Chart (24/1/2022)
Kinetic Typography MV
Fig 1.5: Kinetic Typography MV (24/1/2022)
Week 4
Idea Exploration
Fig 1.6: Storyboard (28/1/2022)
Week 5
Fig 1.7: Animatic (3/2/2022)
Finalized Moodboard
Fig 1.8: Finalized Moodboard (21/2/2022)
Week 6
We showed Mr Martin our first progression which is the first half
of the video.
Fig 1.9: Progression 1 (21/2/2022)
Week 7
We consulted with Mr Martin on our progress and looking at
things we amended based on last week's feedback.
Fig 2.0: Progression 2 (21/2/2022)
Sex Education 101: Your Body
Fig 2.1: Your Body - Group 1 (22/2/2022)
Illustration Team
Shofwa Alyadiena
Jodiann Yeoh Chooi Kit
Reagan Val Adelbert Mahadi
Animation Team
Tay Yee Shien
Tow Wan Tian
Nurul Adlina bt Rizal
Week 1
General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: -
Week 2
General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: -
Week 3
General Feedback: Very cool Typography Music
Specific Feedback: -
Week 4
General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: Pretty good storyboard, some
parts need to amended and adjusted. Add arrows for the animatic
later on.
Week 5
General Feedback: Start work on
your illustrations!
Specific Feedback: Very fun and
entertaining. The video is educational without
being too controversial and parents can show it
to their kids!
Week 6
General Feedback: Progress your
animation alongside your illustration.
Specific Feedback: Adjust the
composition for donut chart &
Week 7
General Feedback: Don't
forget to rasterize your AI layers and
apply motion blur as well as easy
Specific Feedback: Try using
morphing and add more sound
My experience in class learning to make animated infographics and how
to visually portray data/information to the audience was quite positive.
Each class we learned different aspects of motion graphics and styles of
animations we could do for our final project. So from the classes
itself, I was becoming equipped with the skills to work on the final
project together with my group.
Meanwhile, my experience with the final project itself was daunting yet
fulfilling. As I was assigned to the animation team, I was unsure
of my abilities. However, with the help of my teammates and feedback
from Mr Martin and Ms Anis, I was able to push myself to create
animation that brought my groupmates' illustrations to life.
I observed that while the knowledge given in lectures and class was
helpful in the making of the final project, it is also good to explore
your own ideas and search up different types of animation to better fit
your idea and storyboard. Transitions play a good role in letter the
viewers breathe and understand the content through sections - even if
its through a video.
Other than that, I observed that I had a good time animating even
though I was nervous for the task. I had challenged myself and was able
to produced work that was as consistently good as the rest of the team.
Something I would need to work on is being quick to amend things when
given the feedback as well as communicating with my illustrator partner
on changes that could be done to ease the animation process.
For my findings, I found that communication and discussion in a team is
essential and the key to having a good workflow. Since we had group
discussions often, our video was able to be created much easier and
faster since everyone was on the same page and we had talked through
certain things we needed to fix. It is also thanks to Tay for being a
good leader.
Other than that, as an animator and designer, I found that there are
countless ways to demonstrate one idea. The hardest part of it all is
choosing which works best and why so that the audience can consume the
information easily. I also found that I quite enjoyed being an animator
since its something I'm most interested in.
23/4/2023 - 9/8/2023 (Week 1 - Week 16) Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Major Project JUMPLINKS Instructions Feedbacks Reflections INSTRUCTIONS Major Project Pre-Production (Week 1 - Week 7) - Ideation - Character - Script - Storyboard - Animatic Ideation Coming into this project, I had an idea of what story I wanted to create and it was based on one of my old ideas back in foundation. During my Critical and Creative Thinking Skills module, we had to choose a person as our target audience/someone we wanted to help other than ourselves. Someone that we could help solve their issues using Creative Thinking skills. My group chose Alex Scott who was a cancer patient who was known by the world for her initiative of setting up a lemonade stand to raise funds for children riddled with cancer just like her. Many ideas were being ...
11/5/2023 - 26/5/2023 / Week 6 - Week 8 Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Motion Graphics & Compositing Project 2: Channel Bumper JUMPLINKS Lectures Instructions Feedbacks Reflections LECTURES Week 6: Kinetic Typography, Animation Techniques & Keying Overview INSTRUCTIONS Project 2: Channel Bumper For this project, we are tasked to create a channel bumper for any channel or brand of our choice. Fig 1.0: Astro Prima Channel Bumper (18/5/2023) As seen, it is basically a very short intro or clip to remind you of the channel you're watching or introduce a brand. Here are some brands that I am interested in: 1. Nike Fig 1.1: Nike Logo (17/5/2023) 2. Sanrio ...
15/5/2023 - 5/6/2023 / Week 7 - Week 10 Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Advanced Animation Project 1: Walk Cycle Animation JUMPLINKS Lectures Instructions Feedbacks Reflections LECTURES The Animator's Survival Kit (Walk Cycle) https://archive.org/details/TheAnimatorsSurvivalKitRichardWilliams/page/n109/mode/2up?view=theater Fig 1.0: Walk Cycle (4/6/2023) INSTRUCTIONS Project 1 Walk Cycle Animation Vanilla Walk For Vanilla Walk, I followed what was taught in class and the Animator's Survival Kit. However, I did add drag and follow-through based on what we learned in Animation Fundamental. I added these principles on the wrist and arms. Fig 1.1: Vanilla Walk (4/6/2023) Attitude Walk Reference There were m...
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