Design Research Methodology / Research Proposal

28/3/2022 - 24/4/2022 / Week 1 - Week 4
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Design Research Methodology
Research Proposal


Week 1: 

What is research?
- the systematic and creative investigation 
- increase the stock of knowledge 
- pursuit of knowledge

Why should I do research?
- expands understanding
- gain academic experiences
- explore research techniques

How should I start?
- identify your field of interest 
- formulate a research question
- identify research objective

Week 2:

Problem Statement
- a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a condition to be improved upon
- identifies the gap between the current (problem) state and desired (goal) state
- to understand the research problem

Research Questions
- answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue
- first active step
- the ground foundation of your research 
- something you want to study 

Research Objective 
- what we expect to achieve 
- statement of purpose
- to guide the activities of research 

- does not have to be correct

- changed or varied 

Week 3:

Research Questions, Research Objectives

- organised and systematic study of a problem where the researcher attempts to address or find solution to the problem

- specific questions and clearly defined objectives are important in order to address the problem

Research Question

- an answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue. it is the initial step in a research project.

- influences the strategy that is employed in order to provide answers to questions or hypothesis

Research Objective

- what a researcher expects to accomplish by the end of a research project 
- derived from a problem statement
- clear, concise and declarative statement
- focused on the ways to measure the variables 

S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Time bound

Inductive Approach - research question first

1. Observation 

2. Observe a pattern

3. Develop a theory 

Deductive Approach - research objective first

1. Start with an existing theory

2. Formulate a hypothesis based on that theory

3. Collect data to test that theory 

4. Analyse the results: does the data reject or support the hypothesis?

Formulating Research Question and Connecting to Research Objective

What is research question?
- clear question facilitates to 
    - choose the most optimal research design
    - identify who should be included, what the outcomes should be

Refining ideas into research questions
- begin with general uncertainty
- narrows down to a researchable issue

Two categories of research questions
1. Descriptive questions
- involve observations to measure quantity 

2. Analytical questions 
- involve comparisons to test a hypothesis

Steps in conceiving a research question
1. Review of state-of-art information
2. Raise a question
3. Decide worth investigating by peer-review
4. Define measurable exposures & outcomes
5. Sharpen the initial question 
6. Refine the question by specifying details

Week 4: -


Research Proposal

Week 1 7/4/2022

Module Briefing about what to expect and what task we had to do before next class. 

Week 2 31/3/2022

We were told to choose a topic that we are interested to do more research in our own specialization. Mine was Digital Animation. 

I thought of many different topics. Here were some of them:

1. Evolution of Malaysian Animation

2. Computer Revolution in Animation

3. Local Culture Representation in Malaysian Animation

4. Impacts of Animation and Motion Graphics in Future Learning

5. Crunch Culture

6. The Comparison between 2D and 3D Animation

I narrowed down into two since I believe both of them have good potential for me to conduct research on. 

1. Crunch Culture

2. The Impact of Animation and Motion Graphics in Education

Week 3 14/4/2022

I worked on my problem statement, research questions and research objective. 

1. Crunch Culture

2. The Impact of Animation and Motion Graphics in Education

Week 4 21/4/2022

I finished my final draft which was the fourth draft. 



Week 1

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: -

Week 2

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: Think about your research objective, what are you trying to achieve through your research?

Week 3

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: Revise your topic, why do you want to be an animator in the first place? 

Week 4

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: Change the research problem and research objectives.


Classes were filled with fruitful feedback sessions as well as learning from other peers' work and being inspired from it for my own research. 

I observed that I think too much like a mass communication student. I would always try to find research problems that are too wide and general as well as something I could not find a solution in the matter of 14 weeks. I also have to create a solution in a design thinking manner as a design student, so my initial research problem drafts that were deeply rooted in psychological problems could not be solved easily through design. 

From this task, I realised that I should look at problems in the eye of a designer so I can create proper solutions within my skill and ability. 


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