Video and Sound Production / Project 1

28/3/2022 - 23/7/2022 / Week 1 - Week 14
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Video and Sound Production
Project 1


Week 3: 

Film Sound

Sound Elements

- mixing of sound elements below creates and audio setting that supports the action and engages the spectators 

1. Speech

Dialogue, voiceover.

- most important tool for understanding the story of the film

Dialogue: conversation between characters in movie

Voice over: The voice of an unseen narrator speaking

2. Sound effects

Ambience (backgrounds)

- audio refers to the background noise present at a given scene or a location

 Hard or "cut" effects

- almost every sound we hear at the movies that isn't dialogue or music is a sound effect

3. Music

- to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact


- automated Dialog Replacement (ADR), the process of re-recording dialogue after the filming process to improve audio quality or reflect dialogue changes


- sound effect technique for synchorous effects or live effects

Week 6: 

Sound Shaping with EQ

Frequency Range

Hertz (Hz)

Human hearing: 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz

Dynamic Range

Decibels (dB): The threshold of human hearing is measured as 0dB SPL (sound pressure level) and the threshold of pain 130dB SPL


Mono vs Stereo

Mono sounds are recorded using single audio channel
Stereo sounds are recorded using two audio channels

Reverb Sound Effects

Decay Time: Specifies how many milliseconds the reverb takes to decay 60 dB. Longer values give longer reverb tails. 

Pre-Delay Time: Specifies how many milliseconds reverb takes to build to its maximum amplitude

Perception: Simulates irregularities in the environment

To add subtle spaciousness, set the dry percentage higher
To achieve a special effect, set the dry percentage lower

To add subtle spaciousness to a track, keep wet percentage lower than the dry percentage

Week 12: 

Sound Design

4 Important Sound Design Techniques

- Time stretching / compression
- Pitch Shifting
- Reversing 
- Layering

Time Stretching / Compression
- changes the length of audio without altering its pitch

Pitch Shifting
- process of adjusting the pitch of an audio signal upwards or downwards, for both corrective (getting a vocal perfectly in tune, for example) and purely creative purposes

- the end of the audio will be heard first and the beginning last
- changes the whole feeling and rhythm of the sound

- arranging several separate sounds together, in such a way the overall effect is of a single complete sound


Project 1

Exercise 1

Sound Dubbing / Audio Dubbing

In this exercise, we have to voice act and dub a scene from the movie Soul. We also have to edit in the sound effects. 

Fig 1.1: Soul Scene Audio Dubbing Exercise (22/4/2022)

Exercise 2

Sound Shaping Exercise

We were tasked to do sound editing of one audio in 5 different situations / location.

1. Voice in a phone call
2. Voice in a closet
3. Voice in a big stadium
4. Voice in a toilet/bathroom
5. Voice in an underground cave

Fig 1.2: Project 1 Exercise 2 Sound Shaping Final (25/5/2022)

Exercise 3 

Sound Design

1. Magnification EXPLOSION sound
2. Variation of PUNCH SOUNDS (Triple punches)
3. MONSTER of ALIEN voice 

I learned how to use Adobe Audition from this exercise. It is a very good tool for audio editing and sound design. The tools given are similar to ones in Premier Pro but also have extra tools that can help you design your sound in a more detailed way. 


Week 7

General Feedback: Layer the ambient sounds. 

Specific Feedback: For the audio editing exercise 1, he told them to mix and layer the ambient sounds and sound effects together. 



It was a very fun experience in class and the process of audio editing. There were three different exercises that taught us 3 different things. I loved every moment of it. Learning using the programs to manipulate sound was a very valuable experience. I hope that I can use the skills learned in classes for my final project or even for further projects that require me to be skillful in my audio editing skills.


I observed that I had a lot to learn in audio editing, even with my previous experience of audio editing. I also observed that there are many different techniques to audio edit. Tutorials in class and recorded ones were very useful in the tasks given because from the tutorial from Mr Martin, I was able to edit and create my own rendition of the audio. 


I found that I truly do enjoy audio editing and I want to develop my skills in them. Through this assignment, I was able to sharpen some parts of my audio editing skills especially in program literacy. I was not used to Adobe programs especially the audio editing part and now I better understand how to edit sounds for videos or even create sound effects. 



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