Design Research Methodology / Primary Data

26/5/2022 - 19/6/2022 / Week 8 - Week 12
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Design Research Methodology
Primary Data


Week 6:

Quantitative and Qualitative Research 

Quantitative Research

- numbers
- scales
- charts
- age 
- gender
- percentages
- nationalities 
- demographics
- social classes

- useful when collecting and documenting large quantities of information 
- very good when collating research files into target audiences and backing up any of your statistical or factual claims
- primary and secondary research

- don't get much detail in regards to people's opinions, thoughts and feelings

Qualitative Research

- different types of information 
- studies more into the personal opinions of people and gives us small portions of high quality detail on topics, as oppose to large quantities of statistical information 

- offers more useful information when understanding your target audiences and client needs

- done through film reviews, game reviews, fan based websites, interviews and attitudes to media products, responses, etc.

Methods and Sources of Research

- primary and secondary research
- distinction is from how they are conducted and by who
- primary: research you have gone out and done yourself 
secondary: research you use that has already been completed by someone else 

ex: books, journals, newspapers, etc. 
- cannot always trust the source is reliable or not 

ex: interviews, observations, questionnaires, surveys, focus groups, etc.
- you have a reliable source and well documented evidence of your findings
- very time consuming and can be quite limiting in the amount of research that acquire

Purpose of Research

- looking to do some audience research, market research or production research

Audience Research
- audience profiling, demographics, consumer behavior, consumer attitudes and audience awareness
- helps producers understand and communicate with their target audiences
- the information may not tie in with your product, may have to change certain aspects of your content just do it has an audience
- could affect your creative choices and reduce freedom within ones work

Market Research
- to different areas such as your product's market, any competition, competitor analysis and advertising placement

Production Research
- very broad and covers as much or as little as you want it to
- you can not only start to make budgets, equipment list, personnel contacts and location recess, but you can also justify your own ideas through similar content and production methods 

Week 7:

Data Collection Primary & Secondary

Data Collection

- term used to describe a process of preparing and collection data
- systematic gathering of data for a particular purpose from various source, that has been systematically observed, recorded, organised
- data are the basic inputs to any decision making process in business

Purpose of Data Collection
- to obtain information
- to keep on record
- to make decision about important issues
- to pass information on to others

Classification of Data

Primary Data

- data which are collected from the field under control and supervision of an investigator
- original data that has been collected specially for the purpose in mind
- useful for current studies as well as for future studies
ex: your own questionnaire

Advantages of Primary Data
- targeted issues are addressed
- efficient spending
- decency of data
- data interpretation is better
- greater control
- address specific research issues

Disadvantages of Primary Data
- high cost
- time consuming
- inaccurate feedbacks
- more number of resources is required

Secondary Data

- data gathered and recorded by someone else prior to and for a purpose other than the current project
- involves less cost, time and effort
- data being reused

Advantages of Secondary Data
- ease of access
- low cost to acquire
- clarification of research question
- may answer a research question

Disadvantages of Secondary Data
- quality of research
- not specific to researcher's needs
- incomplete informarion
- not timely

Primary Research Methods & Techniques

Quantitative & Qualitative Information

- based on number

- more details, tells you why, when and how!

Primary Research Categories

Quantitative Research
- Numerical
- Statistically reliable
- Projectable to broader population

Quantitative Research Categories

Sampling Methods
- random samples
- may select those not in the target group
- may need to be larger to be representative
- can be expensive

Stratified or Segment Random Sampling
- may be more cost effective
- still random but more focused
- may give more relevant information

Quota Sampling
- not randomly selected
- specific number 
- cheaper method

Qualitative Research Categories

- in depth, insight generating
- non-numerical
- directional

Common Techniques
- personal interviews (one-on-one)
- focus groups and mini groups


- observation method
- personal interview
- telephone interview
- mail survey

Extensive Secondary Research + Focused Primary Research = Effective Data Collection


Primary Data

Week 8 (19/5/2022)

I crafted the methods I wanted to do for this task and what I want to use as my Primary Data. I had also designed the questions that I hope reflect my research objectives and research questions. 

My Research Methods: 

1. Observation Studies (The Simpsons vs My Little Pony)
2. Interviews (Parents & Children under 12)
3. Interviews (Professionals/Experts)*

1. Survey Questionnaire (General) (80+ responses)

*may be unnecessary 

Fig 1.0: Primary Data Methods and Question Drafts (2/6/2022)

Week 9 (26/5/2022)

I turned my questions into actual surveys. I made them into Google Forms. 


Interviews (Parents & Children under 12)

Survey Questionnaire (General) (80+ responses)

Week 10 (2/6/2022)

Finalized the Google Forms and gave out the link to the targeted audience. 

Week 11 (9/6/2022)

Drafting the report and findings. 

Week 12 (16/6/2022)

Finalizing Primary Data report.


Fig 1.1: Final PDF Slides of Primary Data (19/6/2022)


Week 8

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: -

Week 9

General Feedback: Make sure your questions reflect you research objectives and research questions. Did you fulfill each of them?

Specific Feedback: Dr Hayati told me that to make sure my questions are not biased and to clearly specify the age group of children that I am researching on. She also told me that race can affect how they view these questions and that I could I also read reviews of the cartoons that I chose as case studies. 

Week 10

General Feedback: -

Specific Feedback: She told me to make some changes to my google form such as not making the Name and Age a required question so people can keep their privacy. She also told me to number my questions as well as to make sure that my survey fulfils the research objectives. 

Week 11

General Feedback: You can continue your data collection even after the semester has ended to have a better data done before your dissertation. 

Specific Feedback: Dr Hayati told me that I should try to get participants from other cultures, race and nationality because they may have a different opinion on what are the criterias that make a cartoon suitable for their children. 

Week 12

General Feedback: The Phases are based on the sequence you conducted your methodologies.

Specific Feedback: Similar to Week 11's feedback, Dr Hayati told me to ask my classmates who are international students to help with my survey since they could give insight based on different cultures. 


Feedback sessions in class were very useful and I was able to understand the task needed to be done. Being able to take interview and survey my target for this assignment was a good experience as well. I had a learned a lot about the proper ways of constructing and instrument. 

I observed that your Primary Data may not always match up your Secondary Data which is why it is important to conduct your own research because you may never know if trends change or people have differing opinions on the topic. 

I found that using KOL's features as a base to evaluate the cartoons I have chosen really helped since they had constructed features fitting to use when comparing cartoons with each other. I was able to make use of what I read from secondary research into my primary research. 


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