Interactive Design / Project 2

9/6/2022 - 19/6/2022 / Week 11 - Week 12
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Interactive Design
Project 2: Working Landing Page


All lectures in Exercises.


Project 2:
Working Landing Page

Visual Research

Mr Shamsul told us to look at Bootstrap to help us code certain parts of our site that may be hard to do with basic HTML and CSS. 

From Project 1,

Fig 1.0: Project 1 Static Prototype (15/6/2022)

I decided that I should use cards for Section 2, buttons for Section 1, 3 and 4. I also need to add forms and maps for section 3 and 4.

Idea Exploration

Color Palette

These were the color palette I had used for the project:

Fig 1.1: Color Palette 1 (8/7/2022)

Fig 1.2: Color Palette 1 (8/7/2022)


Fig 1.3: Code (15/6/2022)


Fig 1.4: Page (15/6/2022)


Posted on Netlify. 


Fig 1.5: Product Section of the Website (19/6/2022)


Week 12

General Feedback: Use bootstrap, columns and row to better organize your content on your site. This can help you achieve your design where the contents need to be side by side. 

Specific Feedback: Move your map to the left and change your buttons so they all are the same shape, this is so the user is not confused if that is a button or not. 


Project 2 was a much more difficult task since we had to turn our design ideas in Project 1 into an actual website. There many different and new things I learned throughout the creation of this project such as finding out design solutions so that the initial ideas that we have will look good on the real website. Classes were fruitful and we were able to learn from each other's feedback. 

I observed that sometimes there are design sacrifices that have to be made when creating the actual product due to limited resources or using a less complicated method. This is not necessarily bad because it may turn out to look just as good even when it is not exactly as you envisioned it. 

There are still certain concepts in CSS and bootstrap that I do not understand and I wish we had more time to learn more about because when creating the site, I kept feeling very lost of what I should be doing next to make it look the way I imagined it to look. However, through self-research I did find solutions to my questions. 

I found that if I keep working on something and read more about things I am unsure about I will soon find the answer. I also found that having to search something up or having to ask someone about something you are not so good at does not mean that you are not capable to do the task. There are challenges you may face along the way but it should not stop you from believing in yourself and your ability to complete the task.


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