Intercultural Design / Final Compilation

3/1/2022 - 25/2/2022 / Week 1 - Week 8
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Intercultural Design
Final Compilation


The links are in red.

Tasks: Task 1, 2 & 3

Task 1: Proposal

Task 2: Data Collection

Task 3: Final Project



Task 1: Proposal

Deck Presentation Slides

Fig: 1.0: Deck Presentation Slides (24/2/2022)

Video Presentation

Fig: 1.1: Video Presentation on Youtube (24/2/2022)

Task 2: Data Collection

Deck Presentation Slides (Full)

Fig 1.2: Deck Presentation Slides Full Version (24/2/2022)

Deck Presentation Slides (Summarized)

Fig 1.3: Deck Presentation Slides Summarized (24/2/2022)

Video Presentation

Fig 1.4: Video Presentation on Youtube (24/2/2022)

Task 3: Final Project

Deck Presentation

Fig 1.5: Task 3 Deck Presentation (25/2/2022)

Video Presentation

Fig 1.6: Task 3 Video Presentation on Youtube (25/2/2022)


Intercultural Design classes were insightful and opened new perspectives for me towards new cultures. I fully understood how important it is to research about new cultures before creating a design, idea or art for it, especially if you are not a part of said culture. I begin to appreciate the different cultures that exist around the world and how different we are from each other depending on where we were born. 

Meanwhile, consultation classes with Mr Vinod were very much helpful in the sense that Mr Vinod himself knew quite a bit about the culture we are researching - Tea Culture so there were many times Mr Vinod could give his input on the direction we could go towards. It helped us as a team since Tea Culture is broad and has many different aspects of it we could explore. 

I observed that many of my classmates were creative and each person had a different perspective of what the final outcome could be since it literally could be anything we wanted as long as it made sense to the culture. I aspire to be just a creative as them and I learned a lot from looking at not only my own groupmates ideas but other groups' research on their chosen culture. 

Other than that, I observed in myself that the moment I stopped doubting my ability as a leader/group coordinator, I was able to lead and help out my group as best as I can. I just had to believe in myself and not worry too much about the things I could be doing wrong. I had also observed that my creative thinking skills improved since my foundation years because researching and coming up with ideas as well as the process of ideation had came to me so normally. I was used to finding new ways to portray a message or idea.

I found that when it comes to understanding a whole different culture than yours, it is important to do deep and thorough research on it. In the midst of researching, as a designer, you can fully grasp the concepts and reasons to why a certain culture do the things they do. The level of understanding and empathy is a good trait for a designer who is sharing that message with the rest of the world, to make sure that not only are you not offending the culture but that you are representing them in the best way. 


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