Digital Photography and Imaging / Project 1

Week 2 - Week 5 (30/8/2021 - 20/9/2021)
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Group A
Project 1: Exercises 


Week 2: Introduction to Composition

Week 3: Introduction to Photoshop 2

Week 4: Introduction to Photoshop 3


Digital Photography & Imaging: Module Information Booklet

In this project, we are tasked to make a physical collage design and a digital collage design. The aim is to develop a theme/idea with layers of images using design principles.


Physical collage makes me nervous because of the fact that I cannot click the undo the button once I have snipped or glued any image. You cannot copy to make sure you have an extra. It is definitely (for me) a scary thing to attempt to do. Despite the fear, I tried my best to display the many ideas I had in my head and had tons of fun finding materials I can add or pair with.


Fig 1.0: Pre-Composition #1 (30/8/2021)

Fig 1.1: Pre-Composition #2 (30/8/2021)

Fig 1.2: Pre-Composition #3 (30/8/2021)

For the pre-compositions, I decided to just dive right in using the materials I gathered, not really taking note of the design principles or composition completely but more to trying to see if the elements I chose fit with each other and if other themes would do well. 

Without noticing however that I unconsciously follow the Golden Ratio in my second pre-composition. Since Mr Fauzi had suggested that I move forward with #2 (which I agree is my best work out of the three), I sat down and took 3 hours to finalize the look of my physical collage. 

Why three hours? Well, as much as I loved the initial composition, I kept feeling that it was a bit too empty so it took me a long while to really be satisfied with the end result and finally glue them all together.


Fig 1.3: Final Physical Collage (6/9/2021)

In this final of my physical collage, I applied the golden ratio on a square canvas bringing the viewers attention from the top right quote down to the adorable cat face. The color palette is mainly brown (to give a sense of strength and stability) and green (which associates with rest and security). It fits with the message of the collage which focuses on self-growth and the importance on believing in yourself along with your identity. To reflect that message unto myself I added elements things that represent myself such as my sense of fashion, my obsession with black cats (who are often misunderstood) and my thoughts. 

The design principles used in this collage are contrast, harmony and variety.


For this project, we had to make a digital collage using only the given images that Mr Fauzi had set us to. I thought that it would be very challenging but the fact that I had a limited amount of images to work with made me use my creative juices to find different ways to manipulate a single image. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun with it.


Fig 1.4: Digital Collage Pre-Composition #1 - Fishpocalypse (6/9/2021)

Fig 1.4: Digital Collage Pre-Composition #2 - Places to Be (6/9/2021)

Fig 1.5: Digital Collage Pre-Composition #3 - City Jungle (9/9/2021)

Mr Fauzi said that Pre-Composition #3 was the best one out of the three. I agree due to the thought put behind this composition. I thought about giving depth to collage scenery and using people from a different image to add variety. 


Fig 1.5: Digital Collage Final - City Jungle (20/9/2021)


After using Adjustment Layers and Filters, the Digital Collage reaches its completion. The composition for this follows the Rule of Thirds and uses complementary colors - orange and blue. It is titled City Jungle as pedestrians are seen walking around in a particular forest yet machine centered universe. The design principles existing in this collage are contrast and movement.


Week 2

General Feedback: Try using the Golden Ratio or the Rule of Thirds
Specific Feedback: Mr Fauzi suggested that I choose Composition #2 for the submission later on. 

Week 3

General Feedback: Practice and try to use scaling. 
Specific Feedback: Mr Fauzi suggested that Composition #3 was the best. 

Week 4

General Feedback: Watch more Youtube tutorials on how to use adjustment filters and layers for your digital works.
Specific Feedback: Mr Fauzi says that I have good practice and that I may choose this week's exercise for my final in Project 1.


I realized I should stop being so hard on myself and just trust the process. EVEN when it takes you hours on end. This also means not to underestimate how much time you need for a project. Sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes it takes hours and that is okay! It is good to criticize yourself to push yourself to do better but do not let it bring you down and demotivate you. You are capable of creating great things! 

To finish work one must sit down and just start. Even if you don't have ideas or inspiration, starting can help you have a foundation to look upon during your progress. :> :D


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