Digital Photography and Imaging / Final Project

18/10/2021 - 22/11/2021 / Week 9 - Week 14
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Group A
Project 4: Self Titled


Week 12: Double Exposure


PROJECT 4: Cinemagraph - Self Titled

Visual Research

I explored more about what I wanted my work to be about. In summary, it was about being this hero version of myself that isn't much different from myself. Its a message to myself and the audience that you don't need to be someone else to be better, you already have the capabilities to do it. You are already a hero / main character in your own video game / story. Main themes would be self-acceptance and self-love. 


Fig 1.0: Mood Board #1 (9/11/2021)

Fig 1.1: Mood Board #2 (9/11/2021)

In Mood board #1, I basically looked at the graphical elements and style I wanted to have that expresses my own style and my personality. I love doodles and I love fun typography. 

For Moodboard #2, I was looking at poses and compositions I could do for the final work because I would want to have a fun pose and interesting composition to make my idea clear and easy to understand. 

Mr Fauzi says that I have a good design direction and that I should try to work on a design thats more of like a magazine style design. 

Idea Exploration


Some sketches that I did that I wasn't very proud of but did help in choosing the direction I wanted to do for the final design. 

Fig 1.2: Sketches #1 (9/11/2021)

Fig 1.3: Sketches #2 (9/11/2021)


Fig 1.4: Draft #1 (15/11/2021)

Fig 1.5: Draft #2 (15/11/2021)



Fig 1.6: Final Project 4 Still Poster (15/11/2021)


Google Drive Link:

Fig 1.7: Final Project 4 Animated Poster (15/11/2021)


The concept behind this magazine cover inspired animated poster is about being a hero to my past self - someone that was lost and struggling. 

What we know about heroes is that they save people and in most cases they are better than an average person as they are equipped with superpowers. My poster is to show that to become a hero to yourself is just by being you. The you that is improving everyday and learning from mistakes. We do not need to be extraordinary or hope that a miracle to happen for us to be better. We can do that by being ourselves and making better decisions towards being better.

And that is Growth - being a better person than you were yesterday. Always improving and learning. The message I want to portray to the viewers is to love ourselves, accept all our flaws and strengths as well as to be the hero that we need for ourselves.

The Thought Process:

  • Composition - inspired by magazines and character select screens on video games since the concept is about being a hero / idol to ourselves. (Like a persona)

  • Fashion - despite the idea of how a hero looks, I wore casual clothes to show that being a hero is not so impossible or out of reach. In the end, its about being ourselves and accepting who we already are. That is how you be a hero to yourself.

  • Numbers / Bar - The numbers are my birthday and the bar is to follow the theme of character select screens that have health and strength bars.

  • A & D Text - Magazine composition that explains how I view myself and my passion and dreams. It shows that despite being a hero - I am still human and that I am still myself.

  • Background Graphics - Shows my style and personality. The lines are organic and random which is how I usually am - authentic and a little silly / goofy.


Week 12

Specific Feedback: Good direction. Use the write up for your paragraph of text. Can use a Magazine inspired design composition.

General Feedback: Search up videos on Youtube to see on the animations you could do for your design.

Week 13

Specific Feedback: Good work. Just animate the lines in the background. The color correction and color palette is done well. 

General Feedback: Think about the type of animation you want to do. Use Youtube to find tutorials of the type of animation you want to achieve. 

Week 14

Specific Feedback: Bold certain words in sequence for the text box so people can read the main points. Do not need to animate yourself coming in. Good work and keep up the 80s vibes!

General Feedback: Update your progress!


Final Project was my favourite project although I had to endure a lot of technical problems such as Adobe After Effects crashing on me multiple times - that is just the daily struggle of an artist. It was my favourite because we learned a program I always wanted to learn which was Adobe After Effects. I love learning about animation so I had a fun time thinking about things I can do to animate my poster and bring it to life. So much knowledge was absorbed during tutorials and the hours spent working on it. 

Thanks to Mr Fauzi's feedback and insight I was able to produce something I was proud of. I hope to continue on animating and creating more creative works like these because it is definitely something I am passionate in. 


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