Digital Photography and Imaging / Project 2

Week 5 - Week 9 (20/9/2021 - 19/10/2021)
Nurul Adlina Rizal / 0345429 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging
Group A
Project 2: Digital Imaging & Poster Design 


Week 5: Poster Design Development

Week 6: Poster Design Execution 

Week 7: Color Theory

Week 8: (Independent Learning Week)

Week 9: Digital Surrealism


Digital Photography & Imaging: Module Information Booklet

In this project, we are tasked to do photo manipulation, recoloring and to develop a poster with a given theme.


Exercise 1 - Photo Manipulation

Part 1 (Shazam)

We were told to add the character, Shazam, into the Hearst Castle using Adobe Photoshop. We learned to use the appropriate tools to complete this task. 

Fig 1.0: Shazam Poster (20/9/2021)

Fig 1.1: Hearst Castle (20/9/2021)


Fig 1.2: Exercise 1 Part 1 Final (20/9/2021)

Part 2 (My Reflection)

For the second part of the exercise, we have to replace Shazam in the photo and edit ourselves into the Hearst Castle. I used similar technique as I did in Part 1 of this exercise. 

Fig 1.3: Self Photography (22/9/2021)

Fig 1.4: Hearst Castle (22/9/2021)

Fig 1.5: Photoshop Progress (22/9/2021)

The four layers - mansion, adlina, shadow and reflection - are created to complete the exercise. 


Fig 1.6: Exercise 1 Part 2 Final (22/9/2021)


In this Exercise, I learned more on the different tools in Photoshop to manipulate photos and compose an image from two different sources to make them look cohesive and natural. 

Exercise 2 - Recoloring Black & White

Part 1

We were tasked on recoloring a black and white image given to us and to follow the tutorial/demo video made by Mr Martin. 

Fig 1.7: Black and White Photograph #1 (27/9/2021)

With that, I used the knowledge and skills learnt from the video to apply the colors that I wanted in Photoshop. 


Fig 1.8: Exercise 2 Part 1 Final (27/9/2021)

Part 2

Fig 1.9: Black and White Photograph #2 (6/10/2021)

Fig 2.0: Black and White Photograph #3 (7/10/2021)


Fig 2.1: Exercise 2 Part 2 Final #1 (6/10/2021)

Fig 2.2: Exercise 2 Part 2 Final #2 (7/10/2021)


Part 1: Research about your topic

Mood Board

Fig 2.3: Poster Reference #1 (26/9/2021)

Fig 2.4: Poster Reference #2 (26/9/2021)

Fig 2.5: Poster Reference #3 (26/9/2021)

I like Fig 2.3 because of its color palette, graphic style and the optimistic feeling it gives off to its viewer, Next, I am inspired by Fig 2.4 because of its title typography design, composition and the way it displays extra information. Lastly, Fig 2.5 is a good poster because of its composition, information hierarchy and the feeling its gives off. It talks about a serious topic in a lighthearted manner so everyone can consume it and be aware of self care in their daily life.


Fig 2.6: Summary about the Topic (26/9/2021)

The topic I chose to focus on was stress and burnout. It is not a mental health issue but it is closely related and can lead to anxiety and depression over time if not dealt with. I also believe its what many people can relate to and do experience it especially in the time of pandemic where we are stuck at home all day. 

I highlighted the key points in my summary to help me define the title, slogan, details and call for action. 


Key Points

Fig 2.7: Key Points of Summary (26/9/2021)

This is where I defined my title, slogan, details and call for action that helps me progress further into creating ideas for the poster and also to know what information I should include. 

Sketch + Mockup

Fig 2.8: Sketch (3/10/2021)

Fig 2.9: Mockup (3/10/2021)

I combined my sketches of each layer from the title, the details, slogan and call for action to create this sketch and mockup. 


Fig 3.0: Draft (18/10/2021)

Fig 3.1: Draft (18/10/2021)


Fig 3.2: Final Poster (24/10/2021)


This poster talks about the importance of taking care of ourselves especially in the pandemic as we tend to feel lonely and burnout. It urges the viewer to be okay with being alone and seek help if they need it. The poster also acknowledges the hardship of living in the pandemic and provides links to read on about the coronavirus as well as helpline resources to call. It also has a light pastel color palette to evoke optimism in the viewers during these hard times. 

In conclusion, the message shared in this poster is to not neglect our basic needs of food and hygiene for the sake of working extra hours because of the benefit from working from home. We should let our bodies take a breather once in a while and connect with others for our mental and physical health.


Week 5

General Feedback: Everyone is following the right technique from the given tutorial. So, there will be no individual feedback for this exercise. Good job on your D.I.Y photoshoot! 

Specific Feedback: -

Week 6

General Feedback: Can begin sketching parts of your poster (Title, Slogan, Details, Call for Action)

Specific Feedback: Mr Fauzi says he can see my direction for my poster and wants to see my creativity. 

Week 7

General Feedback: We should sketch by layers to help us visualize the final poster. You can experiment by adding elements and such. 

Specific Feedback: For my progress, I can add more details such as real flowers and adding myself into the poster. The typography can be kept as it is good. 

Week 8 (Independent Learning Week)

General Feedback: -
Specific Feedback: -

Week 9

General Feedback: Be mindful of the composition and colors used in the poster.

Specific Feedback: Make the details bigger and more readable. Kern the some text and it should be good. 


I had a fun time with this project. It was an interesting research about mental health of people in the pandemic and wanting to make a poster that could help people through it or bring some optimism and positivity into their life. I truly enjoyed every aspect of this project from the sketching, mockup, photography and editing. I was able to used all the skills learned in Project 1 to create a poster that I am proud of. 

Thanks to Mr Fauzi for the feedbacks that also helped me a lot in the journey of creating this project. There was new things that I learned and was able to develop along the journey.  


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